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Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.


This blog is written by a therapist in midtown Sacramento and focuses on the concerns and struggles of highly sensitive people (HSPs) and of kids, teens and adults struggling with depression, anxiety or just trying to figure out what they want for themselves.  There's help and hope through counseling and therapy!

Filtering by Tag: surviving and thriving

What Your Therapist Wants You To Know

Ivy Griffin

Therapy is not a straightforward process. It can be challenging and downright painful at times, but can also be profoundly healing. While I hope that all therapeutic relationships contain a free flow of information and feedback between therapist and client, this too can be complicated, and we might benefit from some simple suggestions from a therapist’s perspective. To that end, I wanted to share some thoughts and encouragement that may provide some clarity and even improve your experience of therapy. 

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Double Edged Swords in Therapy

Ivy Griffin

When Our Greatest Strengths Become Our Weaknesses

“Strengths identification” tends to be a key component when initially starting therapy. However, not every client is educated on the concept of double edged swords. A double edge sword is a metaphor used to describe something that has both positive and negative qualities. In therapy a strength that is a double edged sword is a strength that in healthy doses can bolster us and lift us up but in excess can cause conflict and discord in our life

Take persistence for example - In healthy doses, persistence helps us improve follow-through, achieve personal goals, builds confidence, teaches us to navigate set backs, and improves comfort in attempting self advocacy. In excess, persistence can become stubbornness. This can lead to an inability to hear or internalize other points of view, stunt growth, has the potential to damage relationships, and can lead to feelings of isolation.

Understanding what strength is your double edge sword can be helpful in supporting you in moving through the world more mindfully; which is often a core objective in therapy. Often as we get older and move further into our life, we start leaning into certain strengths more out of habit. We stop actively considering if it is the appropriate tool for the job, and pick it up because it feels comfortable which can be a disservice to ourselves and others.

By stopping and considering what our strengths are and how we use them we create more opportunities for ourselves to be an active participant in our own lives. This in turn helps us feel like we have more control, and helps reduce the amount of regret we experience as our actions better align with our core values, which adds an air of authenticity to our lives. So as we enter the new year I encourage you to identify one strength you have that is a double edged sword and try practicing using it with more mindful intention for 2025.

With warm regards,

Megan Bell, LMFT # 114303

Thrive Therapy & Counseling

2131 Capitol Ave, Suite 306

Sacramento, CA, 95816


Self Compassion for Personal Accountability

Ivy Griffin

If I wasn’t hard on myself, I’d never get anything done. 

I have to be hard on myself to be a good person.

These are some of the most common concerns I hear from people about being more compassionate towards themselves. We have this belief that being hard on ourselves is what allows us to accomplish things and treat others with kindness and respect. But what if I told you that being compassionate towards yourself actually helps you to be a more responsible, mature, and kind person?

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A Year in Review: Balancing Healthy Self-reflection and the Inner Critic

Ivy Griffin

As 2024 comes to a close many of us are drifting into a state of self reflection, and unfortunately some of us may have noticed that our inner critic is running rampant-excitedly pointing out  all the ways in which we, “failed,” noting all the things we didn’t quite accomplish, or gleefully rubbing our faces into the success of others. Which of course does a number on our mood and self-esteem; not quite the note we would like to end the year on. So how do we balance healthy self-reflection, taking stock of the year that has passed without allowing the Inner Critic room to run rampant?

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A Letter for the True Believers, the Hopeful Optimist in Therapy

Ivy Griffin

Your willingness to have faith and jump in with both feet can be such a beautiful strength when it comes to starting therapy. However where this trait will sometimes bite us in the butt is when we are further into the therapeutic process. Below are some tips to help keep that beautiful optimism in healthy check, so that you and your therapist can get a more realistic idea of how things are progressing

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Alternative Names for “Therapist”

Ivy Griffin

Years ago, a dear friend and I were engaging in one of my favorite activities - talking about each of our most recent therapy sessions. We had both always made plenty a joke over the course of our relationship about our mutual love of emotional processing, so what better way to do so than discuss the actual process *of* processing?

During the conversation, my friend made a humorous comment about how therapy feels a bit like a “professional one-sided friendship”. This comment was made as a statement of both fondness for the therapeutic connection and also with acknowledgment of and respect for the legal and ethical boundaries that therapists must adhere to. Thinking back on this moment more recently, now a therapist myself, I began thinking about other terms that could be used to describe a therapist’s role - with caveats.

Professional One-Sided Friend*

There are too many studies to cite about the impact of the therapeutic alliance on the effectiveness of therapy, some even pointing to evidence that “goodness of fit” - which I sometimes call “therapeutic chemistry” -  is the most important factor that contributes to progress over all others. This tenant is even more vital than specific therapy modality or theory or even number of years the therapist has been practicing. Diving into the therapy process can be vulnerable and emotionally intimate, requiring trust that can often feel quite similar to that of a friendship, just minus the reciprocal nature of one. 

It isn’t uncommon for a client to wonder about their therapist’s life outside of session or hope that the affinity felt in the room is reciprocal. This experience actually is not unique to clients! There have been plenty of times when I’ve thought that in an alternative version of life, I could easily see myself being pals with someone I’m working with. I have heard similar sentiments from many colleagues as well. The work tends to progress more smoothly and more momentously when there is rapport and comfort.

*Look, I know you know this, but I have to say it just in case - The therapeutic alliance can be deeply tender and warm and great and comfortable AND a therapist is not a friend. The relationship cannot function as it is intended to if it becomes deeply personal in a mutual way. It is ok to be bummed out about this fact!

Clinical Secret Keeper*

Confidentiality is yet another staple of the therapeutic process, not to mention a hugely important legal and ethical necessity. Being a “vault” for others is as well practiced for me in my personal life as it is in my professional life, as privacy is vital for that very important aforementioned trust. The experience of sharing the unshared, of shining a light onto the problems thriving under the protection of silence, can feel immensely liberating. It can also be terrifying! Being the recipient of such “classified” material on a personal level is a remarkable honor.

*Ok, again, you are aware of this, but confidentiality does have exceptions, like if a client discloses a risk of imminent harm to themselves or others, or if they share about child or elder abuse. Also, therapist mileage may vary, but I personally will not keep secrets in the context of couples therapy. In relationships, there is a difference between privacy and secrecy, and only one of them typically involves a boundary violation.

Feelings Acceptance Coordinator*

A huge part of the therapy process is learning not only to identify feelings but learn to accept and live with them. I often find that clients are either over-encumbered by what feels like “too many feelings” or are so removed from their emotions that they cannot recognize or name them when they arise at all. 

While certainly overused, the premise of “your feelings are valid” still does hold true. Feelings are messengers that carry important information that can help one understand their needs and boundaries. Feelings are also not always action items - sometimes they simply need to be felt and acknowledged internally. Part of learning to live with even intense emotional reactions also means knowing when we need to soothe them ourselves rather than rely on others to regulate us. It’s a tough balance!

*Last caveat for the last point - Sometimes we are not ready to face certain emotions, and it can be important to respect and be gentle with that as well. Feelings are sometimes exiled for very good reasons, and it takes time and patience for that readiness to come. And that’s alright, too!

In all honesty, there is not a single week of practicing therapy that doesn’t include a moment of me thinking to myself, “wow, this profession is so weird”. There is also not a single week of practicing therapy that doesn’t include a moment of thinking, “wow, this profession is so incredible”.


Leigh Johnson, LMFT #146804

they/them, he/him

Therapist, Program Analyst

3 Ways to Cope With Anxiety Without Making It Worse

Ivy Griffin

Do you find yourself getting stuck in repetitive thoughts or behaviors? Can you spiral about an interaction from the past or the future? Do you find yourself compulsively checking your phone or email, even though you’re not expecting anything in particular? You might blame anxiety or boredom, but would it surprise you to know that sometimes our coping mechanisms actually feed into anxiety

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What comes next?

Ivy Griffin

Life is so full of ups and downs. Progress is not a simple straightforward thing. Sometimes we take wonderful leaps forward. And sometimes we stumble back. The most important thing is not whether or not we stumble but what we choose to do after. Do we become disheartened? Do we give up? Do we throw in the towel? 

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How to Disentangle Yourself From The Web of Enmeshment

Ivy Griffin

Have you ever heard your therapist use the term enmeshment or refer to two people in a relationship as entangled? If so, I am here to talk about how to support you in learning about how to stand in your power against enmeshment. Enmeshment is a bond that impacts one’s ability to experience autonomy and creates a complex and skewed sense of intimacy. Enmeshment can make it difficult to develop a strong sense of self. It can also lead to blurred boundaries, where roles and expectations are mixed up and there becomes an over-reliance on another person.

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Supporting Ourselves in Troubled Times

Ivy Griffin

In April, I wrote about supporting teens in a seemingly unstable world. Since then, most would agree that the world at large hasn’t gotten any more normal. Dysfunctional politics, news of humanitarian disasters and inhumane conflicts, illusionment through social media, the looming threat of unaddressed climate change, inflation and economic stress; these are part of our shared reality, the boat we’re all in together.

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Calming Reactivity

Ivy Griffin

“I just don't want to feel as much.”

“I don't want to be as easily upset by things.”

“I just want things to roll off my back.”

If you’ve ever experienced emotional overwhelm, flooding, or intense sadness or anger in response to something someone said or did, you might have experienced reactivity. These experiences can be a lot and they can make us worry that we are a lot. Because of the automatic nature of reactivity, it can feel as though change is impossible, but there is absolutely hope and things we can do to improve our coping skills.

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