1614 X St., Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95818


Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.


This blog is written by a therapist in midtown Sacramento and focuses on the concerns and struggles of highly sensitive people (HSPs) and of kids, teens and adults struggling with depression, anxiety or just trying to figure out what they want for themselves.  There's help and hope through counseling and therapy!

Filtering by Category: therapy

When Relaxation feels triggering: Hypervigilance and CEN

Ivy Griffin

“I want to relax but I feel constantly anxious, like the other shoe is about to drop.”

Hypervigilance can be draining and painful and sometimes makes us feel hopeless. We long for respite from the constant physical tension and the marathon of thoughts running through our heads. How do we swap our experiences of frequent anxiety and fleeting calm for more frequent calm and fleeting anxiety?

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3 Steps to Increasing Motivation

Ivy Griffin

In addition to anxiety and depression, low motivation is one of the most common reasons I’ve noticed people seek out therapy. There are things that they want to do and things they must do, and they’re really struggling to accomplish their goals. What’s worse is they’re often really hard themselves about their struggles and may end up paralyzed by shame and overwhelm. This can lead to feelings of failure, being stunted, stuck, or not succeeding at life. 

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Reducing Anxiety by Thinking Outside the Box

Ivy Griffin

“I get caught in these thought spirals and can’t get out.” “I obsess about all the things that could go wrong.” “I feel paralyzed and can’t take a step in any direction because I’m afraid of making the wrong decision.” Ugh! Anxious thoughts can be so exhausting! They can keep us up at night and weigh us down so much it feels difficult to move. How do we get unstuck and find relief?

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Dealing With "What-Ifs"

Ivy Griffin

“What if I mess up?” “What if I can’t handle this situation?” “What if I’m rejected?” Phew! Thinking about all the “What-ifs” can be EXHAUSTING! It’s like our fears and insecurities are tapping on our shoulders saying “Hey, HEY, HEY!!!”. They want our attention and won’t let up until we find some way of addressing the issue or some other way to escape. The problem is, escaping or avoiding the what-ifs often prolongs our anxiety and may even cause it to build. How do we find relief?

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Shame and Embarrassment for HSPs

Ivy Griffin

For people who identify as highly sensitive or empathic, intense embarrassment and shame might be particularly difficult experiences. Making a mistake can be followed by intense physical sensations and emotions: your face gets hot, your heart rate spikes, and sometimes you may even want to disappear. While this is normal and might even feel manageable for some, people who are highly sensitive may struggle to recover from these feelings. It can be such a shock to the system that they may ruminate for hours or days on the incident that led them to feel this way, trying to understand what happened or worse, being hard on themselves about it.

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Transmagnetic Cranial Stimulation (TMS)

Ivy Griffin

Dealing with depression can seem like an excruciating marathon set in the middle of a tornado. The intensity of sorrow, hopelessness and defeat can leave you feeling unbearably powerless. It takes a huge amount of strength and bravery to reach out for help. For many, by the time they reach out to get therapy and medication, they have been in a lengthy battle and need help NOW! If a person starts psychiatric medication and things do not get better or if the side effects are intolerable, Transmagnetic Cranial Stimulation (TMS) may be a good option. Below are some answers that may guide your journey.

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When You Feel Like You're Falling Behind

Ivy Griffin

Ever feel like you’re just not as far along as you should be with managing things like finances, your health, or care for yourself and your home? Is it a struggle to motivate? Are you scared to ask for help from other adults because they might judge you? There might be good reasons you’re feeling this way and they might stem from childhood.

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Purpose and Development of Negative Core Beliefs

Ivy Griffin

A core belief is a deeply rooted and often subconscious perception of ourselves and the world around us. These beliefs act like a filter through which we view ourselves and our actions and judge them as good or bad. These belief systems are shaped by our experiences and our interpretations of these experiences. Many of us develop negative core beliefs. This is when we start to believe that something is inherently bad or wrong with us or the world around us. For example: “I am worthless” “I am not good enough” “I have to be perfect” “I cannot trust others”. These beliefs are often generalizations about things that we may even logically recognize as inaccurate.

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A Tool For Developing Self-Compassion

Ivy Griffin

For most of us, self-compassion does not come easily. We more commonly speak to ourselves with self-criticism, often learned early in life from our caregivers, school, and our hyper-individualistic and competitive society. We believe that if we criticize ourselves, we will protect ourselves from being criticized and judged by others. We aim to be perfect so that we can feel safe. In reality, self-criticism only exacerbates suffering.

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Body and Soul

Ivy Griffin

It’s important to remember that mainstream approaches of talk therapy, while evidence-based and effective for many people, have their limits. There are other approaches that can augment our treatment, involving more than simply discussing issues with our therapist a couple of times a month. This is where the body comes in.

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All-or-Nothing Thinking

Ivy Griffin

Despite our best efforts to be rational and reasonable thinkers, many of us fall into the trap of thinking mistakes, also known as cognitive distortions. There are a number of common cognitive distortions that most people make, one of them being Black and White / All-or-Nothing Thinking. This is when you believe that only one thing can be true to the exclusion of all else. It’s believing that there is only one truth and leaving no space for other options, opinions, or thoughts.

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Am I Doomed to Repeat the Past?

Ivy Griffin

As we move along in therapy and begin exploring some of the possible contributors to challenges we face, it can feel like we see patterns everywhere! We may think, “I’ve been handling things the same way forever!” “Will I ever be able to change?” “I’m turning out just like my parents!” No worries! This is a super common feeling to have and it does NOT mean you’re doomed to repeat the past.

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When emotions are too big

Ivy Griffin

Do you have those moments when it feels like your entire body has been taken over by a feeling? When it doesn’t even matter if you know the feeling is out of proportion because it’s such an all-consuming tidal wave that you can’t begin stop it? I imagine most of us HSPs have had and will continue to have these moments—much to our chagrin. We hate them, right? I have that sense of “Wait, seriously?” when it starts to happen. Like, are you kidding me—I’m here—AGAIN?! But, that doesn’t make the tears subside.

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Diving Deep: Ready to create the life you want?

Ivy Griffin

Hi there. How are you? Ohhh, you sound a little tired, a bit worn down, kinda draggy and not quite your best self. Ever tell yourself that if you could just get yourself to do X, you’re pretty sure your life would shift in the direction you want? Ever feel like you need some space and support to actually face big changes or big feelings so that you can move through them? Well, my friend, I’m writing this letter for you. We’ve all been there--life can become so hectic with all the “must do’s” that we never quite get around to the “it would make me feel so much better if I . . . do’s”.

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