Therapy for College Students & Young Adults in Sacramento and Online in CA

Want tips and tools for life as a sensitive person? Sign up for Tips from a Highly Sensitive Therapist!

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1614 X St., Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95818


Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.


Therapy for College Students & Young Adults in Sacramento and Online in CA


  • Did you wish for and daydream about and count down the days until you’d be “independent” and have a life of your own . . . but now that it’s here, you’re really struggling?

  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and aren’t sure where to turn?

  • Have you been through something that’s really upsetting or traumatic?

  • Do you just need some support to help you feel better about yourself? Or to figure out what you want and what comes next?

We get it. Being a young adult can be ah-mazing and really, really fucking hard. There’s a TON of change that happens in ALL the ways, and it’s a lot to manage. We’d love to help you feel better and get on with the life you want!


why young adults and college students seek counseling

Are you living on your own for the first time? Maybe you’ve moved away for college and are feeling the strain of creating a new life in a new place. Or, are you struggling to figure out what to do with yourself? Get a job but what kind of job? Volunteer for the Peace Corps? Go to grad school? Or, maybe you’re working, but you’re feeling stuck - like you’re doing a hella lot but not getting anywhere.

This is such a time of figuring out who you are, what you want, what you like, what’s important to you, what kind of relationships you desire, how to get along with your fam now that you’re an adult, how to make money so you can actually do things you want to do, and sooo much more. It can be exciting and totally overwhelming.

And, we haven’t even talked about dating yet! Aye yai yai.

Here’s the good news - if you work on these challenges right now, it’ll make life So. Much. Easier. Ever hear that saying, “Wherever you go, there you are”? Yep, it’s true. Our brains carry our experiences and patterns with us. If there are some things that aren’t working so well, it’s easier to change those as a young adult because your brain is still growing and developing. The longer we wait, the more ingrained our habits become, and the harder it is to change. It’s still totally possible - but it takes more effort. (And, we don’t know about you, but we like to use less effort whenever possible.)

There’s so much to navigate, and life can feel pretty uncertain and unsettled.

If you need some support to get you through this tumultuous time in your life, we get it! (We did too.) You don’t have to sort through the whole confusing mess on your own. We’d love to help!