1614 X St., Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95818


Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.


This blog is written by a therapist in midtown Sacramento and focuses on the concerns and struggles of highly sensitive people (HSPs) and of kids, teens and adults struggling with depression, anxiety or just trying to figure out what they want for themselves.  There's help and hope through counseling and therapy!

Filtering by Tag: mindfulness

Getting back into the body with a little help from ACDC

Ivy Griffin

I’ve recently developed a new mini routine in my life, where once a week I walk from my partner’s work to mine. It’s a short walk, we get to save on gas, I get some steps in, and I find that once I arrive at work I feel ready to be present and in the flow. The other day on the radio just before my walk, I heard a classic ACDC song, Hell’s Bells, and I was instantly transported to many different places in my mind. I forgot that I actually like ACDC. It reminded me of my teenage years, of tough scenes in movies, main character energy, and general empowerment and badassery. So I decided to listen to more ACDC on my walk to work: Hells Bells, Highway to Hell, Back in Black, If You Want Blood, a song which always brings me back to the 90’s cult classic movie Empire Records. In this movie, the character Lucas gambles away a significant amount of the record store’s money to save the place from going under. Upon finding that all the money's gone the next morning, the owner Joe becomes vehemently angry with Lucas. As the day goes on, owner Joe confronts more work stressors, the pressure builds, his anger rises, and the only resolve he can find is drumming along cathartically to ACDC. 

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Discovering Your Boundaries as an HSP

Ivy Griffin

If you are reading this blog post, you likely identify as a Highly Sensitive Person. So, you know that as an HSP, you can become pretty easily overwhelmed by the world around you. Highly Sensitive People are sensitive to both environmental and emotional stimuli, which can lead to anxiety and burnout. As an HSP, boundary-setting is crucial for protecting your energy and wellbeing. It is important to say "no" when you feel overloaded, and to take time to recharge.

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Body and Soul

Ivy Griffin

It’s important to remember that mainstream approaches of talk therapy, while evidence-based and effective for many people, have their limits. There are other approaches that can augment our treatment, involving more than simply discussing issues with our therapist a couple of times a month. This is where the body comes in.

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When you wake up worried

Ivy Griffin

Dear sensitive one, do you have those days where you wake up worrying? Like, before you even open your eyes, the worry is taking over? “Ugh, there’s that meeting that I’m dreading.” “I have so much to do; how am I going to get through it all?” “I really wish I could just stay in bed forever.” “How am I going to manage?” Your stomach gets tied in knots or the butterflies take over, and your whole body feels tense before your feet even hit the floor.

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Practicing mindfulness to cope with uncertainty

Ivy Griffin

Life continues to feel very strange as the pandemic goes on, and there’s so much uncertainty about what to expect. It’s hard to plan for three days from now, much less 3 months into the future. This is especially tough if you’re a planner, like me. I love scheduling events, get-togethers, and travels to look forward to and daydream about. While I have made a few plans for July and beyond, I’m not sure if they’ll actually happen or what the world will look like by that time. It’s hard to truly look forward to things when we also feel a sense of heaviness and know that so much is out of our control.

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Certain Uncertainty

Ivy Griffin

Uncertainty. It's a word that dredges up dread and fear in the hearts of most of us. We usually do our best to fight against uncertainty, ignore it or at least, remain in complete denial. Yet, we live with uncertainty every single day, even though most of us go around pretending as if we have total control. Then, when we come face-to-face with the realization that we, in fact, do not have complete control, or when we find ourselves in a situation that's not familiar or predictable, we may fall apart. We may become obsessed with the fact that we do not know what to expect, and sometimes we let this unravel us or create so much anxiety that we check out of our lives and get stuck in our heads.

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