Most of us have experienced that frustrating moment when no matter how hard we try to fall asleep we can’t seem to quiet the chatter in our minds, and it feels like all our stresses and fears hit us like a freight train. That chatter is often rumination, and it tends to hit us right when we are trying to fall asleep because we are finally still, and usually distraction free. Rumination is when we dwell on negative feelings and distress in a repetitive manner, which in turn heightens or exacerbates anxious and/or depressive feelings. For anyone familiar with anxiety and depression, rumination can quickly become a core component of the experience.
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We all know that being highly sensitive can really drain our energy. It makes sense that anyone who is highly attuned to their environment and the feelings of others would feel exhausted after absorbing so much sensory information. But, one of the things I’ve been paying attention to recently is the balance of input versus output. We take in all this information all day every day, but where does it go?
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Hi there. How are you? Ohhh, you sound a little tired, a bit worn down, kinda draggy and not quite your best self. Ever tell yourself that if you could just get yourself to do X, you’re pretty sure your life would shift in the direction you want? Ever feel like you need some space and support to actually face big changes or big feelings so that you can move through them? Well, my friend, I’m writing this letter for you. We’ve all been there--life can become so hectic with all the “must do’s” that we never quite get around to the “it would make me feel so much better if I . . . do’s”.
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