1614 X St., Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95818


Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.


This blog is written by a therapist in midtown Sacramento and focuses on the concerns and struggles of highly sensitive people (HSPs) and of kids, teens and adults struggling with depression, anxiety or just trying to figure out what they want for themselves.  There's help and hope through counseling and therapy!

Filtering by Tag: coping with anxiety

Getting the Most Out of Coping Mechanisms

Ivy Griffin

If you’ve been in therapy before you might be familiar with the idea of coping skills and tools. They can include anything from deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), journaling, tapping, and visualization-there are so many wonderful methods to support self regulation. But did you know that most coping skills and tools can be used both reactively and proactively? 

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When you wake up worried

Ivy Griffin

Dear sensitive one, do you have those days where you wake up worrying? Like, before you even open your eyes, the worry is taking over? “Ugh, there’s that meeting that I’m dreading.” “I have so much to do; how am I going to get through it all?” “I really wish I could just stay in bed forever.” “How am I going to manage?” Your stomach gets tied in knots or the butterflies take over, and your whole body feels tense before your feet even hit the floor.

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When emotions are too big

Ivy Griffin

Do you have those moments when it feels like your entire body has been taken over by a feeling? When it doesn’t even matter if you know the feeling is out of proportion because it’s such an all-consuming tidal wave that you can’t begin stop it? I imagine most of us HSPs have had and will continue to have these moments—much to our chagrin. We hate them, right? I have that sense of “Wait, seriously?” when it starts to happen. Like, are you kidding me—I’m here—AGAIN?! But, that doesn’t make the tears subside.

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The 3 C's: Calm, Cool, and Collected

Ivy Griffin

During this difficult time, I know many of us may not have the means to access ongoing mental health care or may have to re-prioritize our own mental health needs for the good of our loved ones. It's tough! So, I wanted to share what I have found to be helpful for myself and a practice I try to teach in sessions with my clients.

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Helping your teen (and your whole family) cope with uncertainty

Ivy Griffin

We’re living in such uncertain times. Different information keeps coming out about how
COVID-19 works, and there’s still much about the virus that we don’t understand. We’re not
quite sure when schools will resume or when people will go back to their offices. It’s hard to plan
for the future. Will there be more stay-at-home orders? Can we plan a vacation? Will the virus
worsen when the weather cools off? Will colleges and universities be all online in the fall? And,
if so, does your teen want to begin their college career this way?

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