1614 X St., Suite A
Sacramento, CA 95818


Thrive Therapy & Counseling provides high quality therapy to Highly Sensitive People and to kids, teens or adults struggling with anxiety, depression or self-esteem.

Supportive Imagery for Navigating Life Transitions


This blog is written by a therapist in midtown Sacramento and focuses on the concerns and struggles of highly sensitive people (HSPs) and of kids, teens and adults struggling with depression, anxiety or just trying to figure out what they want for themselves.  There's help and hope through counseling and therapy!

Supportive Imagery for Navigating Life Transitions

Ivy Griffin

Change is an essential and unavoidable part of being alive. While life transitions can be exciting opportunities for learning, growth, and self-reflection, they can also feel stressful, confusing, and filled with uncertainty. During these times of transition, we can turn to imagery from the natural world for grounding and support:


The chrysalis can be a helpful image for states of transition when we are unsure of where we are going or what will happen next. The chrysalis is the outer casing within which a caterpillar’s body breaks down into cells, losing its form, before taking shape as a butterfly. In the midst of a life transition, we can feel similar to this chrysalis -- formless and not entirely sure of who or what we are anymore. In such a vulnerable state, it is important to remember that the chrysalis is held safely within a silky cocoon. Visualize yourself, sheltered and held within your cocoon of support. 

Spiral Tree Trunk 

Sometimes a life transition can feel like an overwhelming whirlwind. The spiral tree trunk is an image of resilience in the face of stressful conditions. Some trees cleverly adapt to harsh winds by growing a spiral-patterned trunk that can twist and turn to withstand the wind, rather than breaking or collapsing. Envision yourself as a spiral-trunked tree, twisting and turning with the winds of change. Your roots remain firmly grounded, deep in the earth below. 


The image of a bridge can be called on for support as you embark on a new journey or life experience. Perhaps you are taking on a new role at your job or within your family. Maybe you have decided to go to school or move to a different state. The bridge can support your transition into a new and unknown territory. Visualize your bridge. What is it made of? Wood? Stones? Vines? As you imagine yourself stepping onto your bridge, notice its sturdiness beneath your feet. There is no need to cross to the other side right away. You can spend all the time you need on the bridge, feeling its support during this time of transition. 


The imagery of compost can remind us to trust the cycles of life. Perhaps you are in a state of transition because you are letting go of something that no longer serves you. Luckily, a community of soil-dwelling critters can transform your muck into nourishment. Letting go can feel like a loss, yet it can allow us to become more aligned with who we truly are. Envision yourself tossing your scraps to a rich pile of compost. Trust that the fungi, the earthworms, and the flies know what to do with it. 

I hope these images can serve as a mirror, reminding you of your own resilience and capacity to creatively navigate life’s many changes. 

Until next time,

Kayla Ursa, AMFT #126881

Supervised by Alexandra Garton, LMFT #84263

Thrive Therapy

